
Our growers actively support the health, wellbeing and labour conditions of current and future generations of farm workers and their families, while complying with the various relevant customers' ethical accreditation requirements.
The information regarding the results of the ethical audits of our growers is loaded onto the websites listed below. This provides customers with a platform where they can check the labour practices in compliance with local legislation
(Click below to visit website)
Various social projects have been implemented on the farms, which include:
- Aftercare centers
- Training centers
- Creches
- Healthcare (health workers & sport facilities)
- Computer & wi-fi access
- Social services: ProCare
- Housing
- Education (junior & senior phase)
- Transport and cultural events

Upgrade of Housing at Rosedale

Upgrade - Funding of Rugby Field at Waboomsberg

Training Centre at Graaff Fruit

Outdoor Gym at Graaff Fruit

Laptops - Wifi Available for High School Learners

Involvement - Funding of Neighbourhood Creche - Aftercare Centre at Koelfontein

Creche at Graaff Fruit

Creche - Aftercare Centre at Witzenberg Properties

Creche - Aftercare Centre at Rora

Creche - Aftercare Centre at ORVI

Community Hall - Training Centre at Graaff Fruit

Aftercare Facility at Rietfontein

The sustainability of our business is directly related to the sustainability of our grower supply base. Our growers implement the principles and practical applications of Good Agricultural Practices in a quest to produce safe and healthy fruit within the parameters of economic, social, and environmental sustainability.
These include the protection of the fauna and flora in the natural habitat adjoining the farms of our growers, water source protection, as well as ensuring water security for the future sustainability of the farming units as well as our business. In a quest for increased sustainability, we encourage our growers to regularly check the eco-friendliness and carbon footprint levels on their production units through audits and work towards improving these standards on an ongoing basis.
Environmental sustainability projects from our growers include:
- Solar systems
- Nature conservation
- Water stewardship
- Regenerative farming practices
- Exporting produce in bins to minimise packaging waste while reducing cost
- Reducing the use of plastic in packaging
- Wetlands management
- Natural habitats for bees

Water Catchment - Dams

Solar Projects at ORVI

Solar Project at Waboomsberg

Solar Project at Tirisano

Solar Project at El Cuesta

Solar Project at Boplaas

Solar Plant at Lushof

Solar Geysers on Houses at ORVI

Delecta New Building, Paarl

At Delecta we aim to inspire change through sustainable development goals. Economic sustainability and innovation are in our DNA, and we are committed to continuing in this way to be successful through continuous varietal development, packing and packaging adjustments.
Our economic sustainability practices aim at achieving financial growth through efficient use of resources while supporting the longterm well-being of our society. We recognise that ending poverty goes hand-in-hand with strategies that build financial growth and address significant social needs. These include health, social protection, education, and job opportunities, while addressing climate change and environmental protection. Through offering employees and their families valuable training and education, a stable working environment and the opportunity to develop a sustainable career affirm that our producers share the Delecta values. Seasonal workers receive financial benefits, work opportunities, training and experience during harvesting months.
Sustainable production projects towards a ‘greener’ future are steadily implemented in partnership with our producers, making a meaningful contribution to an advanced, more valuable and environmentally friendly agriculture. These programs aim at protecting our ecosystems and creating an equilibrium between production and nature. We believe that sustainability can only be achieved through innovation and large-scale action, as it is a process that is constantly evolving and never-ending. With this in mind, we are working with a meaningful approach that includes innovation and improvement of financial systems while adapting and welcoming change in order for us to be a part of this sustainable future.